Quite Programming right now, If you're one of these thread

  1. Not a self-motivated person
    • It just takes one irritating bug, to make you quit programming
    • You should be self-driven and highly motivated from within to become a programmer
  2. Not a curious person
    • You should be filled up with questions, when you see something new or unusual in programming, this will help you dig down that topic and help you learn new things
    • Your curiosity will help strengthen your fundamentals.
  3. Not a continuous learner
    • Most of your time as a programmer you have to go out of your comfort zone and learn a new language, framework, and tech to solve a given problem
    • If you don't upgrade your skills then you will be as good as an old furniture
  4. Don't like research
    • Not every answer can be found on Stack Overflow
    • As you will advance in your career, you will be given complex and challenging work and you need to dig out official documentation and have to find out answers
  5. Hate solving problems
    • The second name of programming is problem-solving
    • If you don't have it, better start getting better at it by solving daily problems
    • Take a problem, understand it, solve it first, then try to optimize it
  6. Conclusion
    • This thread is not to demotivate you
    • To be a successful programmer, you must have this quality otherwise don't expect any great results
    • These skills can be 100% developed, so start working on this right from day one, for a successful career as a programmer
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